
Tuesday 7 May 2013

Necessary Don'ts To Remember About SEO

Hello Friends as you all known you need to do proper SEO if you wish to see your site on top at any Search Engine with the keywords that you have selected. So as we had given Necessary Do's to remember about SEO in the being, the same way this are a few Necessary Don’ts that one should remember about SEO.

Do not duplicate your content. Each and every article in website must be unique. Through carelessness you may lead to create duplicate pages. It will always happen in dynamic websites.

Don’t use parameters in the URL. If it is needed, don’t use too many parameters. Always rewrite urls structure using .ht access.

Don’t have any 404 page in website. Always create custom 404 pages and redirect dead pages to new pages relevant to that old page.

Don’t use too much Flash. Search engines will not crawl flash codes. Also it consumes more load time.

Don’t have many outgoing links (links to other sites).This will drain the link power of your page.

Never involve in any black-hat SEO techniques that will lead your search engine rankings down.

Don’t contact vendors for SEO problems and ideas. Their main motto is to advertise a product, not to boost up your rankings in search engines.

Don’t fear if your rankings went back. Rankings will fluctuate sometimes, and if your rankings did not bounce back quickly, you need to analyze and implement a better strategy.

Don’t rely on untrustworthy expert advice while selecting keywords for your website. Use data.

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